Many homeowners purchase a standard homeowners insurance policy on their home and the land it sits on. The typical homeowner's insurance policy covers the dwelling and contents in the event of a fire, hurricane, tornado or other "Act of God." This is acceptable coverage for many homeowners. However, there may be certain situations where you need additional coverage. If the following things apply to you, you should contact your homeowner's insurance policy issuer and increase your coverage immediately.
Jewelry / Electronics
If you have very little in the way of jewelry and electronics, your homeowner's policy may cover what you have. However, if you have several gaming computers and servers, lots of photography equipment or expensive printers, you need more coverage than your typical homeowner's insurance policy. Likewise, if you have any expensive jewelry that's worth more than a couple thousand dollars, you need to contact your insurance agent and get these items added to your current insurance policy.
Rental / Storage Property
If you have a storage unit off-site where you store extra furniture, belongings, and household items, you should add rental insurance to your homeowner's insurance policy. This will protect these off-site belongings in the event of damage or loss. If you have a vehicle stored elsewhere, such as a boat, all-terrain vehicle or antique car that you don't have typical operator's insurance coverage on, you need to get additional coverage on your homeowner's insurance policy for these vehicles.
Flood Damage
Even with the continuous media advertisements regarding flood insurance policies, many homeowners still don't realize that their typical homeowner's insurance policy likely doesn't cover damage to their home due to floods. Even if your home does not lie in an identified flood plain, you may still be at risk for flood damage if a drastic weather event happens. It is better to pay the few dollars extra each month for flood insurance and never need it, than to not pay it and lose your home and contents to a flood.
The best place to get advice on your insurance needs is from your insurance agent. You should also keep a written inventory of your home's contents, complete with receipts and other proof of value. Keep a copy for yourself in a fireproof and waterproof safe, and put another copy in a safe place off-site. A video of your home's contents is also helpful in determining value if you ever need to file a claim for any reason.
For more information, contact an insurance agent from a company like United Insurance Agency Inc.