Life insurance is a critical aspect of estate planning that helps prepare for unforeseen circumstances. Life insurance policies offer financial security for your loved ones in case of death. While choosing a life insurance policy seems like a straightforward concept, there are a variety of life insurance options available. Each type of life insurance policy offers a unique set of benefits and features that cater to specific needs. Explore the differences between four common life insurance policies: term, whole life, universal, and final expense.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides death benefits to your beneficiaries for a limited period. If you die during the policy's term, your beneficiaries receive a death benefit. A term life insurance policy is the most affordable option because it only covers the years the policy is in effect. Terms often end when the insured reaches a certain age. Term life insurance policies do not build cash value, so you cannot borrow against them.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is sometimes known as permanent life insurance because the policy covers the insured for their lifetime. Whole life insurance offers cash value that grows over time. A portion of your premium goes to your death benefit, and the remaining amount goes into a savings account. Whole life insurance policies are more expensive compared to term life insurance policies. However, these policies provide lifelong coverage and stable premiums and have the potential to accumulate cash value.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance offers flexibility and cash value growth. The policy has an adjustable premium, death benefit, and investment options. A portion of your premium goes toward the cost of insurance, and the remaining amount goes to your savings account, also known as a cash value account. The policyholder has the freedom to change their death benefit and premium payments. They can also borrow against the policy's cash value. However, to avoid losing your insurance, sufficient cash value must remain in the policy.

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance offers coverage for end-of-life expenses like burial and funeral costs. Final expense policies do not require a medical exam, and premiums are lower than other insurance policies. Final expense insurance policies are affordable, and applicants can qualify even with health issues.

Choosing the right life insurance policy is crucial, and it can be confusing if you don't know your options. It is essential to take the time to understand the differences between each type of policy to select one that meets your specific needs. 

Contact a professional to learn more about life insurance
